- Alliance Scribe
Cultivating Sustainability: The Farmers Alliance's Journey at OTA Organic Week
At Farmers Alliance, we’re dedicated to promoting organic farming and sustainable community development. Last week, a delegation of LFA members participated in the Organic Trade Association’s Organic Week in Washington, D.C., held from May 14th to May 16th, 2024.
This important yearly event helps advance organic agriculture and tackle the various challenges in the sector. For 72 hours, stakeholders from across the organic community convened to collaborate on solutions to the intricate issues surrounding organic food and farming with a focus on driving continuous improvement in organic practices, honoring organic leaders, and collectively advancing organic policy priorities.
The event also presented a great opportunity to connect with Farmers Alliance members, such as Candy Schibli from Southeastern Roastery, who recently achieved organic certification. Farmers Alliance partnership with Candy and Southeastern Roastery reflects our dedication to supporting producers and vendors on their path to sustainability.
We also had the honor of meeting Jenny Moffitt, the Under Secretary of Agriculture for Marketing and Regulatory Programs at USDA, an agency that plays a pivotal role of advancing organic initiatives. As a recipient of Organic Market Development Grant (OMDG), Farmers Alliance has been able to enhance our efforts to serve communities sustainably, fostering a more resilient and equitable organic industry.
Moving forward, we will leverage the momentum generated at Organic Week to drive positive change. Join us on our journey to make a meaningful impact in our communities.